Financial Statement Analysis for Lenders 2-Part Series

Financial Statement Analysis for Lenders 2-Part Series

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Both Parts 1 & 2
(30 minute break)
12:00 – 3:30 pm (Eastern Time)

A critical part of any lender’s or credit analyst’s job is analyzing a borrower’s financial condition. The analysis provides perspective on the borrower’s historical performance and provides the foundation for projecting future performance. The analysis should also become a tool to add value to the customer relationship. The lender or analyst can use his or her expertise combined with insight gained from the financial analysis to better focus bank products and services to meet customer needs.

BONUS MATERIALS: A comprehensive Case Study for attendees highlighting commonly used financial analysis tools, including comparative/common-size, ratio, cash flow and projections. Also, 2 analytical tools for Lenders and Credit Analysts to use for quickly identifying viable lending opportunities.

This Loan Webinar will familiarize participants with fundamental analytical tools including component, comparative/common-size, ratio and cash flow analysis. Students will apply the tools in a case study. 

After completing this online lending seminar, participants will be able to:

  • Employ “30 Second” analysis to determine if the lending opportunity is one the bank wants to pursue
  • Analyze a balance sheet, especially liquidity and leverage
  • Analyze an income statement, especially margins and profitability
  • Analyze asset efficiency
  • Utilize five approaches to cash flow analysis
  • Utilize a Loan Screening Worksheet built around the 5Cs of credit to assess a borrower’s credit worthiness
  • Apply the concepts in a case study

Who Should Attend:

  • Credit Analysts
  • Commercial and Small Business Lenders
  • Branch Managers
  • Private Bankers
  • Loan Review Personnel


John Barrickman
New Horizons Financial Group / President

For 27 years, John Barrickman has served as President of New Horizons Financial Group, a financial services industry consulting firm nationally recognized as an expert in the areas of comprehensive credit risk management, credit process, loan policy formation, asset quality rating frameworks, risk based pricing and lender development. John is a frequent speaker and subject matter expert on credit policies and procedures at industry events nationwide. John is also a Consulting Associate for Capital Performance Group.

Attendance verification for CE credits provided upon request.

Webinar Sponsored by BankersHUB

If you are having issues with registering online, please contact CBAO's Education, Training & Special Event Coordinator, Malia Widder, (614) 610-1877.

Registration (Member/Non-Member Pricing)

Webinar and Playback* ($395/$595)
*Playback has no expiration. 

Additional Hookup - Registering another banker from a different location ($125/$185)

Registration is closed.